Jan 4, 2010


Carla Pinto, docente do Departamento de Matemática do ISEP, co-organiza o simpósio "Dynamical Systems in Robotics”, no decorrer da 8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics – ICNAAM2010.
Carla Pinto, docente do Departamento de Matemática do ISEP, co-organiza o simpósio "Dynamical Systems in Robotics”, no decorrer da 8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics – ICNAAM2010.

ICNAAM2010, simpósio nº 40
"Dynamical Systems in Robotics"
Dra. Carla Pinto (ISEP) e dra. Cristina Santos (Universidade do Minho)

Robot locomotion for any type of robots has been an interesting and challenging research issue in the last few years. The increasing use of robots to perform difficult tasks in dynamic and hard environments, sometimes inaccessible to humans, makes this study very important and relevant.

In this symposium, we focus on the use of the dynamical systems theory to address some still open questions regarding locomotion skills in robots.
Dynamical systems exhibit some properties which makes them well suited to real-time robotic applications, such as movement generation for legged; modular and wheeled platforms; balance control; grasping; reaching, etc.

The organizers aim to provide a venue where researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world can present and discuss the latest achievements, future challenges and exciting new dynamical systems models that will enable to improve the locomotion skills of future robots.